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Willkommen Gemeinden in Geschäftsverhandlungen, gegenseitigen Nutzen und gemeinsame Entwicklung.
Und Leistungsmodule, IC, IGBT, IPM, PIM-steuerbare Siliziumgleichrichtungs-Brückendiode, einschließlich Kommunikation, Halbleiter, Instrumentierung, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Computer und umgebende Produkte, Unterhaltungselektronik usw.
Google designed a multifaceted custom SoC to power its upcoming Pixel 6 smartphone line, which launches this fall.
Supply chains are key to the electronic components industry; disrupt one and a domino effect occurs for manufacturers. Here's how to protect your company.
Daimler executives predict the global chip shortage will continue affecting the corporation's manufacturing and sales through 2022.
Micron Technology revealed it would spend $150 billion over the next ten years to enhance its R&D and manufacturing resources worldwide.
Tencent is reportedly looking to hire engineers who can design microchips that accelerate artificial intelligence training.
Intel invested $475 million into its IPV chip testing and assembly center in Vietnam. The move supports its long-term business strategy.