Und haben gute Geschäftsbeziehungen mit vielen berühmten Herstellern und Vertretern integrierter Schaltkreise aufgebaut.
Willkommen Gemeinden in Geschäftsverhandlungen, gegenseitigen Nutzen und gemeinsame Entwicklung.
Und Leistungsmodule, IC, IGBT, IPM, PIM-steuerbare Siliziumgleichrichtungs-Brückendiode, einschließlich Kommunikation, Halbleiter, Instrumentierung, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Computer und umgebende Produkte, Unterhaltungselektronik usw.
Meeting the needs of the volatile components supply chain with an aging, analog business model presents many challenges for sourcing professionals. For example, buying and selling electronic component
Intel intends to spend up to $100 billion setting up a chip manufacturing ecosystem within the European Union.
Don't have time to expand your AVL? Try using Sourcengine's free BOM Analysis tools on Sourcengine or for full-service sourcing, contact the Sourceability sales team.
Google designed a multifaceted custom SoC to power its upcoming Pixel 6 smartphone line, which launches this fall.
Teltonika's Remote Management System is a safe and secure way of managing and running your Industry 4.0 applications.
Electronic component supply chain industry predictions in 2020 delivered by Sourcengine. Impacts on the semiconductor industry.